
Attendance and Absences: Daily classroom attendance is critical to success in school. Also, all absences (without independent study plans) result in the loss of funding for our school. A lack of good attendance may be a factor when a teacher is considering retention of a student. Parents need to verify all absences by a phone call before 9:00 AM on the day of absence or a written note must be provided on the first day back to school.

  • Phone or written verification must include the date, duration, and specific reason for absence.
  • Students may not attend dances or participate in athletic practices, competitions and other extracurricular activities on days when you have been absent from school.
  • Students who are out ill for more than 5 days may need to provide a doctor's note.

Tardies: It is important for students to arrive at school and to each class on time. Tardy to school or class in excess of 30 minutes or more is considered truancy after the 3rd offense.

Truancy: PLEASE NOTE - Three days of unexcused tardiness 30 minutes or more equals one truancy! Medical or family emergency reasons are generally the only excused reasons for tardiness. This is the law - not just a school rule.

  • School office staff will send a parent or guardian written notification of the school’s concern about a pattern of chronic absences or tardies. Retention may be considered if students exceed 30 days of absence for the year.
  • If absences or tardies continue, the student may be referred for a hearing before the School Attendance Review Board, the probation department, or the case may be referred to the Sonoma County District Attorney.

Vacations: Vacations are considered unexcused absences unless arrangements are made for an Independent Study.


Independent Study: Since our school is  under charter conversion laws, an independent study may be requested for any day a student will be absent. The student may be counted in attendance by state regulations if an independent study is requested ahead of time and the assigned work is completed in the designated time. The request should be made to the school office as soon as you are aware your child will be absent. Please allow at least a week for paperwork to be completed and work to be collected from all of the student's teachers. Contact an administrator for the Independent Study if you need assistance with your request. Please check the district website at www.gusdschools.org for Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 6158 Independent Study.

Here is the Independent Study Procedures:

Step 1: Parent and student notifies office of Independent Study and fills out Independent Study Contract.

Step 2: Parent and student turn in signed Independent Student Contract at least one week in advance to the office for the principal’s approval.

Step 3: The office will distribute a copy of an Assignment Work Record Form to each core teacher. The student is responsible for getting the work before leaving for the independent study.

Step 4: The teacher fills out the form, attaches the work to be completed and gives the office a copy of the assignments or packet. The teacher and office keeps a copy of the Assignment Work Record form in a file with them until the work is completed.

Step 5: Work must be turned in within two weeks of the student’s return to school so the teacher can award credit.

Step 6: The teacher completes the form they have for the student. After receiving and evaluating the work, determining how many days credit to give, they sign the form and attach work samples.

Step 7: The teacher returns the form with the completed work attached to the office. The principal reviews all work submitted and affirms how many days of credit the student has completed.

Step 8: The secretary/attendance clerk posts credit to student’s attendance records and files the completed Independent Study Packet.

Please click here for an Independent Study Form.