Registration Procedures


Look for Open House Information coming in February 2024

Step 1:

Print and fill out the following documents:

Step 2:



What do I need to submit with my application form?

Answer: see checklist here

What can I use for residency verification?

Answer: Residency can be verified by providing two of the following documents WITH a form of identification (driver’s license, passport, military id):

  • A current utility/cable bill with your name and address
  • A rental/lease agreement
  • A current property tax bill
  • A current homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy and/or declaration page. (Not just a bill.)
  • Current payroll stub with name and address.

What Immunizations are required for my student?

See Immunization Requirements above in Step 2.

Important Dates:

TBD: Accepting complete applications for 2024-25

TBD: Hillcrest Open House for New Students at 10 AM in Hillcrest Hall


Welcome! Our on-site location offers a convenient place to provide before and after school program called Beyond the Bell for grades 6-8. We provide nutritious snacks, homework time and assistance, outdoor sports/recreation, as well as self-directed time.

Program Hours: Beyond the Bell operates on the same calendar as the district schools. Beyond the Bell is not open during school holidays.

Beyond the Bell Regular Hours:

Before School – Monday through Friday 7:15 a.m. until 8:30 a.m.

After School - Monday through Friday 3:15 p.m. until 5:15 p.m.

Early Release or Minimum Day - Open from school release until 5:15 p.m.

Registration and Enrollment To reserve a space for your child, a nonrefundable check of $50 is due prior to the first day of requested attendance. Checks can be made out to GUSD. Any questions can be directed to the Beyond the Bell Director at 707-823-7008

A monthly contract must be completed to secure the days and times needed during the school year.

2023-24 Beyond the Bell Handbook and Contract


Dear Parent,

Our teachers work together to build heterogeneous class groups that balance a number of factors including the following: gender, age-ranges, ability, personalities, leadership styles, energy levels, behaviors, student 504 plans, friendships, special education IEPs, and more. Rest assured, our classroom teachers know your children well, including their strengths and unique needs, and we share that information with each other to best serve your child. However, you are the undisputed expert on your child, and your input is vital too.

In lieu of making teacher requests, we ask parents who would like to offer input in their child's placement for next year to complete the questionnaire below. We will use the information you provide to help us make the best classroom placement for your child from among our highly qualified team of teachers.

Thank you!

Teacher/Student Questionnaire